FOR BONRIX RECHARGE SOFTWARE: IdeaMoney Retailer API 1 : Bonrix Recharge Software Integration = Request: URL: http://localhost:8199/bonrixautorechargerequest?mob=&amt=&servicetype=wt PARAMETERS: * mob = Recharge Message for bill payment. * servicetype = enter service you want to provide like wt Example: http://localhost:8199/bonrixautorechargerequest?mob=&amt=&servicetype=wt API 2 : Bonrix Recharge Software For JSON response = Request: URL : http://localhost:8199/bonrixjsonrechargerequest?mob=&amt=&servicetype=wt PARAMETERS: * mob = Recharge Message for bill payment. * servicetype = enter service you want to provide like wt Example: http://localhost:8199/bonrixautorechargerequest?mob=&amt=&servicetype=wt API 3 : Third Party Integration = Request: URL : http://localhost:8199/webapirechargerequest?mob=&amt=&servicetype=wt PARAMETERS: * mob = Recharge Message for bill payment. * servicetype = enter service you want to provide like wt Example: http://localhost:8199/bonrixautorechargerequest?mob=&amt=&servicetype=wt